hash - tradução para Inglês
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hash - tradução para Inglês

Hashing; Hash mark; Hashes; Hash (disambiguation); Hashing (disambiguation); Hash mark (disambiguation); Hashmark

n. cheeba, marijuana (Slang), dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant that are smoked for their intoxicating effect
bruit parasite      
hash noise
n. mess, shambles, hash


v. (colloq.) (AE) (d; intr.) to hash over ('to discuss') (to hash over a question)



Hash, hashes, hash mark, or hashing may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para hash
1. but you hash it and store the hash-- which
Communications Security _ Phil Zimmermann _ Talks at Google
2. used the hash tag.
Public Parts _ Jeff Jarvis _ Talks at Google
3. or fresh hash browns.
Unfinished Business _ Anne Marie Slaughter _ Talks at Google
4. used in the cryptographic hashes.
Technology Policy War Stories _ Joseph Lorenzo Hall _ Talks at Google
5. a cryptographic hash of it.
The Stellar Consensus Protocol _ David Mazières _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para hash
1. Anne Valerie Hash Gen';ve: Apollinaire, rue du Rhône 61.
2. Anne Valérie Hash Gen';ve: Apollinaire, rue du Rhône 61.
3. Duo allemand tendance streetwear. http://www.kaviargauche.com • Anne Valérie Hash.
4. Anne Valérie Hash: «La couture, ça doit rester comme un nuage autour de soi.» Agrandir l‘image En juillet dernier, Anne Valérie Hash présentait sa troisi';me collection de haute couture ŕ Paris.
5. Anne Valérie Hash, qui a fait de la déconstruction et du détournement sa carte de visite, détaille quelques pi';ces choisies.